You Will Be Like God


…you will be like God…~ Genesis 3:5

Satan is crafty, I will give him that, he will make a fool out of you if you let him.  This little piece of verse 5 is Satan’s main argument…for just about every temptation he throws in front of us.

Before sin entered into this world the law was very simple, there was only one law.

16 The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; 17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” ~ Genesis 2:16-17

That’s it, all the law man needed to live by in one sentence.  God created man with free will, in perfect liberty.  But for there to be perfect liberty, there needed to be one rule.  One rule that could be broken by the will of man.  One rule that allowed man to reject God.  If there were no rules than man would have no way of not choosing God, thus he would be forced to follow God.  But God wanted His creation to choose Him because His creation loved Him.  God did not need slaves, for slaves can only choose their masters, they have no rights, no liberty.

So God created one tree and one rule that was off-limits to man yet within the reach of man.  And each day that man did not choose to eat from the tree he chose God.  So each day was a new day with a new opportunity to show God that He was loved.

Do you realize that if man had not eaten from the forbidden tree the history of the world would have been written “and they lived happily ever after”.  No wars, no death, no destruction, no earthquakes, no floods, no pestilence, no murders, no sickness of any kind, just living happily ever after.

And that is what God intended, but man chose otherwise.  Instead man chose to listen to Satan’s lies, and for the most part man has been listening to Satan’s lies ever since.

“You won’t die, you can be as God.”

Do you realize that the fruit itself was not magical?  The forbidden fruit had no magical properties, it did not change the chemical balance of man’s body which would lead to death.  What opened man’s eyes was the sin of pride, rebellion against God.  It was the choice to eat and the act of eating that changed man, it was sin entering into the mind and soul of man that brought the down fall.  Breaking just one rule broke the whole world.

Adam and Eve knew nothing of arrogance or pride before they chose to disobey God.  Adam and Eve were not ignorant, in fact I believe they possessed knowledge that was lost in sin.

The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’” ~ Genesis 3:2

They understood what death was, and what life was, they understood right and wrong.  However they had no shame, Genesis 2:25.  Shame changed them, it made them realize some things they were never meant to realize.

Hollywood made a movie call “Pleasantville”, it was about 2 teenagers from the 1990’s that find themselves in a 1950’s sitcom.  The movie portrays them as having more knowledge because they know more about sin.  And as they teach the characters in the sitcom about the “liberating effects” of sin then the characters go from black and white to “living color”.  As usual, Hollywood has it completely backwards, inside out and upside down.  Adam and Eve were living in “living color” before sin entered in, once sin entered into this world everything went to “black and white”.  Sin is not liberating, sin is the shackles of the enslaved.  And Satan knows this, thus he keeps whispering in the ears of men “you can be as God” while handing us the shackles that sin brings.  And man keeps listening and keeps making a fool of himself.

And the men with the heaviest shackles want to shackle others, we call them tyrants.  And tyrants of sin is what they are, nothing more.  A tyrant is anyone who wishes to force another man to come under his yoke.  Home owners associations have some of the biggest tyrants around.  Men trying to force other men to follow their rules in how you should manage your property.  Managers can be tyrants, bureaucrats can be tyrants, just about anyone in authority can become a tyrant.  And it is the natural progression of sin, because we think “we can be as God”.

Men cannot be God, it is impossible for the creation to become the Creator.  But we listen to Satan and believe the lie and think we can.  And tyrants always reject the one true God, tyrants hate competition.

If you think our founders and framers did not believe in God, you would be wrong.  They had to believe in God as the divine Creator to create liberty and freedom because these ideas are anti-Satan.  Satan does not believe in liberty or freedom he believes in shackles and prisons.  Our founders believed that man should be at liberty to choose how they should live, that is liberty.  Tyrants believe they should tell everyone how they should live, creating hundreds of thousands of rules.  Rules for everything.  Our founders believed in keeping it simple, so did God.

The world has always had a surplus of tyrants since Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out of the garden.  Today we have more than a surplus, we are overrun.  Take this as a sin of our abandoning the principles of God.  Lets return to liberty and freedom found only at the foot of the cross.

And always resist the temptation to “be as God”.


Being Reminded

Let me lead off by asking for your forgiveness, I have not posted here since Christmas.  I want you to know that I really do appreciate all who read my humble words and I pray that they will give you insight, encouragement, and help for the days we face.

Now I desire to remind you… ~ Jude verse 5

Jude states the purpose of his letter in the 3rd verse, …necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith… Jude then begins to remind them of the history of the children of Israel.

History is a teaching tool.  My father used it to teach me, his father used it to teach him, and I used it to teach my children.  For centuries, the history of Israel was oral, it was not written down.  Mothers and fathers taught their children orally about the past.  Part of that tradition was to recite what had been taught to insure accuracy.  If history was not accurate, it was worthless.

Today in our public schools history is not taught accurately.  It’s called revisionism, and it is as old as sin.  Revision of history is the polite way of saying something is a flat out lie.  A good example of revisionism is our own Civil War.  Find out why shots were fired on Fort Sumter and you will begin to discover the real history of the Civil War.

Jude is warning the people that there are liars in their midst.  These people are distorting the gospel.  The gospel is simply a history of Jesus the Christ, what He said and what He did.  What He said, is what He taught, which is the basis for all the principles and ideology embodied in Christianity.  What Jesus did shows the footsteps to the cross.

We need, more than ever today, to be reminded of our own history.  We need to be reminded of the history of the children of Israel and the path they chose that lead to their exile.

Today the forces of evil have worked to distort our own history, they have worked endlessly to destroy the history of Jesus, God the Father, and the workings and movings of the Holy Ghost.  To those who may think our own history is irrelevant, I kindly but strongly tell you, you are wrong dear one.  The history of America is intricately interwoven into the gospel of Jesus the Christ, and the history of Israel.  A lot of what our founders did was based upon the principles of our Creator and Master.  And all hell is working to destroy it and white wash it from the face of the earth, as if it never existed.

We must remember two things: Satan is the master of all tyranny, and God is the Master of all Liberty.  It is extremely unfortunate today that liberty has been distorted and perverted into licentiousness.  Licentiousness always leads to tyranny.  Salvation leads to liberty.  I implore you with all that is within me to understand what rightful liberty really is and is not.  Your life, your salvation, and your liberty now depend upon it.

Remember that our God is the One true God, and He created man in perfect liberty.